10 Ways to Be a #BreastCancerThriver
By: Bethany Kandel Health Writer

Stop to Smell the Roses (or at Least Take Pictures of Them)
“I mostly consider myself a thriver.” says Terlisa Sheppard, an author and patient advocate from Orlando, FL. She’s had MBC since 2001, with metastasis to her bones, lungs, liver, spine, abdomen, and brain. “I am still waging forward, making the best out of each day.” Her secret: “I just focus on living in the moment to my best potential,” she says. “I do stop to take random pictures of flowers or objects that might be in my path. I love going to the beach to watch the mesmerizing sunrises or sunsets. I laugh often and enjoy meeting and chatting with new people, especially cancer survivors that I can possibly offer hope to in their journey.”