……remembering an awesome terminal cancer survivor, Mr. Ryan Woods! I met him by chance, on a flight

I had the opportunity to meet this AMAZING young man and his beautiful, sweet and very dedicated wife, Ryan and Jessica Woods, on our flight from Phoenix to Orlando last night. Ryan is a “terminal cancer survivor” like me, and he has been given 3 to 6 months to live. Now, most of you know my terminal diagnosis story where my medical oncologist, back in November 2001, told me to “Go Home, Quit Work and Get Your Life In Order,” so I am thinking that I might have had an even shorter chance than Ryan.
Anyway, Ryan and I shared old “chemo-war stories” and talked about how precious life really is when you are “preparing to die!” On the other hand, just as some of us are preparing to die, how important is it to prepare to live…..that is living each second, each minute, each hour, and each day to the fullest. I love to say, “Live Life to the Fullest!”
I smile each day because I still live! I am still living each day because God has blessed me to love! I now love to live each and every day because God continues to give me breath one more day, to share my testimony with others, in hopes of inspiring, motivating and encouraging others to do the same….Enjoy Life!....Terlisa Sheppard