Juicing helped save my life!

I am so excited about my new juicer. I can't wait to get started back making my very own homemade juices. I actually started juicing years ago when I was diagnosed the 2nd time with stage 4 breast cancer and again during my 3rd diagnosis with a cancerous brain tumor. During this time, I was receiving chemotherapy treatments on a weekly basis, had very low blood counts, which I had to receive a blood transfusion, and I was just feeling very ill all together. I literally juiced for breakfast, lunch, and dinner and I will always remember those times when my awesome friends/neighbors would just stop by to drop off bags of fresh fruits and vegetables for me to juice. Since my blood counts were so low and they didn't want to make me sick; they would just drop off the goodies at my front door, speak to me, and then say goodbye. I was literally homebound for about 2 years because my immune system was so weak. I also had to go through treatments for my low neutrophil counts, which is known as neutropenia. This is a clear liquid that is usally given as a shot (injection) to help stimulate the white blood cell production. Injections of Neupogen were given to me, in my abdomen, to help boost the production of my neutrophils, a special type of white blood cells, so that it could help my body fight off infection.
JUICING allowed my body to get stronger during those times and hence; I made it through some very difficult times in my life!
Fast forward, it's 2015, and I am back to juicing for a healthier lifestyle. It is great to get the entire family involved, so join me on this quest. Once you get started and create a routine, you will thank yourself on a daily basis.
Check out http://debrasdailydose.com/ for jucing recipes and ideas!
I hope you will enjoy your juicing just as me and my family do.